Answer: RAN
RAN is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 408 times.
Referring Clues:
- Bled
- Was up (for)
- Sprinted
- Didn't face the enemy
- Sought election
- Headed
- Printed
- Kurasawa film
- Operated
- Tore
- Commanded
- Competed, in a way
- What Dick, Jane and Spot did
- Wasn't fast...or was fast?
- Exhibited fear
- Didn't hold
- Handled
- Maintained
- Fled or bled
- Ruled
- Split
- Managed
- Wasn't colorfast
- Sought office
- Skedaddled
- Amscrayed
- Led
- Hightailed it
- 1985 Kurosawa film
- Didn't malfunction
- Campaigned
- Tried to get a seat
- Took part in a 10K
- Was printed
- Jogged
- Wasn't brave
- Bolted
- Scampered
- Showed
- Dashed
- Did a 10K, e.g.
- With 47-Down, went wild
- Accepted the nomination, say
- Wasn't steadfast
- Came (across)
- Competed in a 10K
- Published
- Succumbed to fear, maybe
- Sought a seat
- Sped
- Oversaw
- Did a marathon
- Turned tail
- Amounted (to)
- Took off
- Didn't fight, say
- Functioned
- Administered
- Avoided bloodshed
- Made haste
- Took off
- Displayed fear
- Fled
- Sought political office
- Was fast ... or wasn't fast
- Made (off)
- Turned yellow, maybe
- Bled, like dyes
- Totaled
- Was on the ticket
- Headed up
- Entered a contest
- Flowed
- Took part in a marathon
- Tossed one's hat into the ring
- Responded to the starting gun
- Participated in a 10K
- Took off in a hurry
- Scampered and scurried
- Tried for a seat
- Bled or fled
- Migrated upstream, as salmon
- Headed for the hills
- Campaigned for office
- Worked
- Was in charge
- Served as manager of
- Participated in the last leg of the Ironman Triathlon
- Was slated in November
- Was in charge of
- Participated in a marathon
- Competed in a marathon
- Bled in the wash
- Bled in the rain
- Conducted, as a campaign
- Hotfooted it
- Bled, as colors
- Was in a derby
- Flew the coop
- Sought an office
- Was published
- Took charge of
- Fled the scene
- Got a move on
- Made the newspaper
- Akira Kurosawa's adaptation of "King Lear"
- Appeared in print
- Vied for a seat
- 1985 Akira Kurosawa film
- Threw one's hat in the ring
- Printed, as an article
- Dashed off
- Did the last leg of a triathlon
- Governed
- Competed at Belmont
- Was on the ballot
- Competed politically
- Raced
- Did a 6K, say
- Did a 10K, say
- Didn't face the music
- Was a candidate
- Competed in a 5 Down
- Lasted
- Helmed
- Superintended
- Turned yellow
- Was fast . . . or wasn't
- Cut out
- Moved it
- Competed in a race
- Unraveled
- Was on a slate
- Beat a retreat
- Appeared in the paper
- Was in theaters
- If it follows also, it's a failure
- Hit the campaign trail
- Turned chicken
- Turned yellow?
- Projected, as a film
- Made it into print
- Bled, like dye
- Went jogging
- Was the head of
- Obviously wasn't brave
- Put in the paper
- Took it on the lam
- Displayed fear, in a way
- Avoided bloodshed, in a way
- Did not pass
- Took a powder
- Displayed cowardice
- Displayed cowardice, in a way
- Sought a seat, perhaps
- Tried to get elected
- Kurosawa masterpiece
- Bled in the laundry
- Vied for a position
- Competed in the Badwater Ultramarathon
- Made tracks
- Took off, in a way
- Was head of
- Went lickety-split
- Showed fear, in a way
- Didn't go slow
- Racked (up)
- Conducted
- Skipped town
- Wasn't exactly brave
- Was boss of
- Emulated Usain Bolt
- Was on a ticket
- Took flight
- Scooted
- -
- Acted like a sap?
- Kurosawa epic
- Was fast ... or wasn't
- Scurried
- Did a 5K
- Emulated Abebe Bikila
- Faced the electorate
- Chose flight over fight
- Made the papers
- Was fast, or wasn't fast
- Absquatulated
- Vamoosed
- Sought public office
- Sought elected office
- Cantered
- Hied
- Circulated
- Circulated
- Moved fast
- Served as CEO of
- Took off on foot
- Contested an election
- Raced on foot
- 1985 film based on "King Lear"
- Kept in shape
- Kept in shape
- Kept in shape
- Moved swiftly
- Departed quickly
- Tried for office
- Trotted
- Galloped
- Cam-paigned
- Joined the race
- Con- ducted
- Tried the track
- Entered the marathon
- Presided over
- Participated in track
- Hurried
- Hastened
- Kurosawa movie
- Hustled
- Booked
- See 113-Across
- Legged it
- Traveled fast
- Akira Kurosawa classic
- 1985 "King Lear" adaptation
- Sprinted or dashed
- Kurosawa classic
- Got ruined in the wash
- Was a coward
- With 41-Across, chased
- Really moved
- Sought a Senate seat
- Wasn't brave in the least
- Put in the Post, say
- 1985 Akira Kurosawa movie
- Did a dash
- Emulated Forrest Gump
- Didn't dawdle
- Completed a marathon
- Conducted a campaign
- Lit out
- Went around a track
- Beat it
- Pursued an office
- Analyzed, as the numbers
- Booked it
- Masterminded
- Participated in a derby
- 1985 Akira Kurosawa film based on "King Lear"
- Had charge of
- Fled on foot
- With 4-Down, lost control
- Got the hell out of there
- Entered the primary
- Also-___ (loser)
- Participated in cross country
- Did more than walked
- Competed in a dash
- Chased (after)
- Flew
- Tore on foot
- Scrammed
- Gained yardage on the ground
- Darted
- Broke away
- Vied for office
- Competed in the Preakness
- Went for a seat
- Hustled it up
- Competed in the last leg of a triathlon
- Showed cowardice, say
- Executed
- Amscrayed on foot
- Performed in marathons
- Was yellow, say
- Used a treadmill
- Took part in a 53-Across
- Made a break for it
- More than trotted
- Reacted pusillanimously
- Tried to win, with "for"
- Compete in a race
- Led ... or bled
- Entered a race
- Rushed off
- Sought elective office
- Got used up, with "out"
- Published, as an article
- Was a marathoner
- "when time ___ out"
- Appeared (in)
- Dashed away
- Plied (between)
- Entered a 10K
- Tried to get into an office
- Did a 10K
- Took to one's heels
- Did 22-Across
- See 5 Down
- Fared poorly in the wash
- Took care of
- Was chicken, say
- Directed
- Rushed
- Bossed around
- Vied (for)
- Goofball member of the "Shasta McNasty" band
- Didn't just walk
- Proved to be a chicken
- Competed like Usain Bolt
- Norse goddess of the sea
- Operated, as equipment
- Sounded off
- Courted the electorate
- Did a 5K, e.g.
- Absconded
- With 50-Down, happened to meet
- Controlled
- Scooted away
- Marathoned
- Executed, as an app
- Made a rush
- Scudded
- Kurosawa's adaptation of "King Lear"
- Did 52-Across
- Was a deserter
- Didn't walk
- Stood for office
- Film by Akira
- Operated, as a machine
- Migrated upstream
- Did a 5K, say
- Was in the paper
- Published in a paper
- Executed, as software
- Went quickly
- Supervised
- Goofball member of Shasta McNasty band
- Executed, as a program
- Sprinted or jogged
- Left in a hurry
- Did one leg of a triathlon
- Screened for an audience
- Zipped
- Ended a triathlon
- Made a getaway
- High-tailed it
- Got on the ballot
- Did some laps
- Did laps
- Did one-third of a triathlon
- Got into the race
- Tried to take a seat?
- Showed fear, maybe
- Flew or fled
- Competed in a sprint
- Sought a Senate seat, say
- Jumped off the page?
- Published, as a story
- Stole a base, e.g.
- Was the boss of
- Steered
- Vied for public office
- Participated in a 5K
- Sought a political seat
- Trained for a marathon
- Jogged or sprinted
- Went for office
- Competed in a 5K
- Flew on foot
- Scampered away
- Went on, as errands
- Competed in a Tough Mudder, say
- Saw print
- Dashed off on foot
- Did a marathon, say
- Published in the paper
- Competed in a turkey trot
- Akira Kurosawa film
- Did the last leg of a pentathlon
- Chaired
- Went on, as an errand
- Didn't stick around
- Competed in a track meet
- Participated in a race
- Did a 33-Down, say
- Competed in a 10K, say
- Akira Kurosawa's retelling of "King Lear"
- Participated in a marathon, e.g.
- Didn't stay put, as mascara
- Went fast
- Kurosawa film based on "King Lear"
- Took part in the final leg of a triathlon
- Went for a jog
- Did a 5K or 10K
- Competed in a sprint, say
- Tried to win an election
- Drove
- Scrambled
- Moved cross-country?
- Competed in a half-marathon
- Participated in a race or an election
- Aired
- Led, as a meeting
- Hit the treadmill
- Hoofed it
- Participated in a relay race
- Entered an election
Last Seen In:
- LA Times - March 25, 2025
- LA Times - March 21, 2025
- USA Today - February 27, 2025
- LA Times - February 26, 2025
- LA Times - February 04, 2025
- LA Times - February 02, 2025
- USA Today - January 29, 2025
- New York Times - December 23, 2024
- LA Times - December 20, 2024
- LA Times - December 11, 2024
- LA Times - November 25, 2024
- USA Today - October 16, 2024
- New York Times - October 15, 2024
- USA Today - October 08, 2024
- New York Times - August 16, 2024
- LA Times - August 14, 2024
- New York Times - August 06, 2024
- LA Times - July 10, 2024
- LA Times - July 04, 2024
- USA Today - June 27, 2024
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