Answer: ORATE
ORATE is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 280 times.
Referring Clues:
- Filibuster, in a way
- Declaim
- Emulate Webster
- Take to the stump
- Magniloquize
- Spiel
- Speechify
- Be Bryanesque
- Emulate Cicero
- Take to the soapbox
- Hold the floor
- Hold forth
- Provide an address
- Do some campaign work
- Electioneer
- Speak
- Pontificate
- Give an address
- Give a speech
- Give one's address
- Emulate Demosthenes
- Spout rhetoric
- Use a soapbox
- Wax eloquent
- Sound off
- Captivate the crowd, maybe
- Speak like Bryan
- Spout off
- Play to a C-Span camera
- Harangue
- Preach
- Be on a soapbox
- Captivate a crowd, perhaps
- Be bombastic
- Make an allocution
- Speak from a soapbox
- Speak at length
- Sound off, perhaps
- Elocute
- Deliver a keynote, say
- Give a keynote
- Give a stemwinder
- Make a delivery
- Give a keynote, say
- Deliver a keynote address
- Make an impressive delivery
- Avail oneself of a rostrum
- Stand and deliver
- Deliver a stemwinder
- Speak for the Congressional Record, say
- Speak before throngs
- Talk bombastically
- Grandiloquize
- Mount the soapbox
- Speak à la Bryan
- Practice public speaking
- Follow in William Jennings Bryan's footsteps
- Get on the soapbox
- Address a crowd
- Speak of the devil, maybe
- Deliver a keynote speech
- Use the podium
- Give a lecture
- Preach from the pulpit
- Speak formally
- Speak from the stage
- Do some stumping
- Speak pompously
- Talk pompously
- Deliver the keynote address, say
- Take the soapbox
- Talk from the soapbox
- Wax Websterian
- Preach from a soapbox
- Give a keynote address
- Deliver lectures
- Pronounce from a podium
- Overcome glossophobia
- Be grandiloquent
- Give a grand speech
- Get on a soapbox
- Give a valediction, e.g.
- Give a keynote, e.g.
- Speak bombastically
- Make a speech
- Use assembly language?
- Deliver a stump speech
- Stand on a soapbox
- Address the convention
- Make a delivery?
- Give a commencement address, say
- Be eloquent, in a way
- Speak from the rostrum
- Go on at length
- Use the soapbox
- Get on one's soapbox
- Stand and deliver?
- Sermonize
- Deliver a speech
- Take to the pulpit
- Give a sermon
- Stand up to speak
- Stand up and speak
- Deliver a keynote
- Expound
- Expound at length
- Speak on the stump
- Speak from a stump
- Address the crowd
- Speak like a senator
- Speak grandiloquently
- Address Congress, e.g.
- Address Congress
- Deliver an address
- Recite rhetoric
- Address an audience
- Employ a silver tongue
- Deliver from a dais
- Address the hall, e.g.
- Deliver a formal speech
- Wax grandiloquent
- Supply an address
- Use the bully pulpit
- Speak at a podium
- Give one's address?
- Address grandly
- Do like Demosthenes
- Speak pompously, e.g.
- Use a soapbox, e.g.
- Deliver a valedictory
- Deliver a declamation
- Deliver an impassioned presentation
- Valedictorians do it
- State your address?
- Speak to the masses
- Harangue the crowd
- Speak, in a way
- Be Ciceronian
- Speak in the Senate
- Spout speeches
- Go on the stump
- Make a grand speech
- Make a delivery, in a way
- Speak above the crowd?
- Speak on C-Span, say
- Deliver a sternwinder
- Spout from the soapbox
- Take the stump
- Give a valedictory, say
- Emote
- Speak theatrically
- Speak for everyone in the room
- Take the podium
- Speak in Hyde Park
- Climb up on a soapbox
- Speak from the podium
- Speak in a pompous manner
- Give a drasha
- Speak with style
- Spout forth
- Take to the stump
- Take the dais
- Give a valedictory
- Be bombastic, perhaps
- Speak for everyone in the room?
- Give addresses
- Make speeches
- Take to a soapbox
- Emulate Clay
- Make addresses
- Preach, maybe
- Speak from the soapbox
- Preach, e.g.
- Address the throng
- Give out one's address?
- Stump the crowd?
- Deliver a pompous speech
- Tub-thump
- Make grand statements
- Spout off on a soapbox
- Address Congress, say
- Speak from a podium
- Speak publicly
- Make a big speech
- Grandstand, say
- Declaim like Demosthenes
- Give an inaugural address
- Speak grandly
- Talk formally
- Speak to the Senate, say
- Spout from the dais
- Give a big speech
- Preach, say
- Spout
- Provide an address?
- Take the floor
- Speak to the people?
- Supply one's moving address?
- Speak to a crowd at length
- Speak with pomp
- Be a tub-thumper
- Address the assembly
- Take the dias
- Speak eloquently
- Wax bombastic
- Mount a soap box
- Sound off in the Senate, e.g.
- Preach, perhaps
- Speak with bombast
- Deliver an impassioned speech
- Give a mighty speech
- Offer addresses
- Emulate Isocrates
- Speak to a large crowd
- Captivate a crowd with words
- Captivate the crowd with words
- Emulate Lincoln
- Word from the Latin for "pray"
- Speak loftily
- Use a lectern
- Give a formal speech
- Speak like Clay or Bryan
- Publicly hold forth
- Give a formal address
- Address a convention
- Speak like Cicero
- Get a banquet going, perhaps
- Give a valedictory, e.g.
- Give a loud speech to many
- One might do it from a soapbox
- Take to the podium
- Speak from a lectern
- Speak to a crowd
- Make a delivery to the masses
- Keynote, e.g.
- Give a windy speech
- Talk with style
- Spout for an audience
- Present an address
- Give a keynote address, e.g.
- Emulate Henry
- Be all speechy
- Speak before Parliament, e.g.
- Address peers
- Speak from a balcony, perhaps
- Make an important delivery
- What spellbinders do
- Give a sermon, e.g.
- Provide a big address
- Make an extended delivery
- Give one's address, maybe
- Give a public address
- Keynote, maybe
- Give a political speech
- Keynote
- Make deliveries to large groups?
- Speak at the U.N., say
- Keynote, say
- Speak to an audience
- Speak from a platform
- Speak at a podium, say
- Have the Senate floor, say
- More than just talk
- Deliver a keynote, e.g.
- Make an address
- Speak pompously, perhaps
- Speak from a podium, say
- Address with style
- Deliver a stem-winder, say
- Have the floor
- Something politicians and professors do
- Exhibit grandiloquence
- Give a keynote, for example
- Speak from a stand
- Give a skilled delivery
- Make a formal speech
- Formally speak
- Speak from a dais, perhaps
- Give a TED Talk, e.g.
- Showy
Last Seen In:
- New York Times - March 02, 2025
- New York Times - February 23, 2025
- LA Times - December 29, 2024
- USA Today - November 22, 2024
- LA Times - November 15, 2024
- LA Times - November 10, 2024
- LA Times - October 19, 2024
- New York Times - September 15, 2024
- New York Times - August 14, 2024
- LA Times - June 03, 2024
- New York Times - May 28, 2024
- LA Times - April 17, 2024
- USA Today - March 27, 2024
- New York Times - January 28, 2024
- New York Times - January 26, 2024
- USA Today - January 03, 2024
- USA Today - December 19, 2023
- USA Today - December 06, 2023
- New York Times - October 31, 2023
- USA Today - October 18, 2023
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