Answer: KNEE
KNEE is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 598 times.
Referring Clues:
- Where the patella is
- Spot for a scrape
- Kind of socks
- Baby-bouncing locale
- Word with high or hole
- On bended ___
- Place for padding or paddling
- Dandling area
- Locale for a spanking
- Deliver a low blow, perhaps
- Cap site
- Kind of jerk
- Spoon-playing site
- Scrape site
- Pants part
- Bouncing baby's seat
- Midleg point
- Capped part
- Cap locale
- Where gramps jounces junior
- Place for a pad
- Leg's midpoint
- You may be down on one
- Where to wear a genouillère
- Medial meniscus site
- Joint with a cap
- Proposer's prop
- Where a cap is found on the body
- "Trick" joint
- Baby-bouncing place
- Place for a football pad
- Deep ___ bend
- "Bury My Heart at Wounded __"
- Kilts stopping point
- Bendable part
- Prayer joint?
- Midleg
- Patella's place
- It may provide child support
- "Trick" joint, maybe
- Spot for a jerk?
- It's covered by a cap
- It may be slapped
- Hit below the belt, in a way
- "... with a banjo on my ___"
- Lower joint
- Child support?
- "Trick" body part
- Body part that may be bent
- Leg's middle
- Where pants may be worn
- Kind of pad
- Tot's perch
- Trouser part
- Dummy's perch
- Meniscus location
- Deal a low blow
- Hem length, maybe
- Place for a bouncing baby
- Something that's bruisable
- Where pants may have a hole
- Supporter of a proposal?
- Elbow's lower counterpart
- Common arthroscopy site
- Gonitis target
- Pad site
- See 103-Down
- Support for a proposal
- Body part with a cap
- Place to put a banjo
- Trick part?
- It might be slapped after a good joke
- "Oh! Susanna" closer
- Thigh/shin separator
- Orthopedic specialty
- Banjo site in "Oh! Susanna"
- Joint that may jerk
- Place for a footballer's pad
- Common injury site
- Banjo supporter
- Common arthritis site
- Thigh/shin connector
- See 29-Down
- Midleg joint
- Gonitis locale
- Baby bouncer
- Common sports injury site
- Patella site
- Capped joint
- Patella locale
- A proposer may be down on one
- Oft-scraped body part
- Capped body part
- Baby bouncer?
- Arm: elbow :: leg: ___
- Place for a patch or a pad
- Karate weapon
- Site of many scrapes
- Banjo site, in song
- Seat for a tot
- Patella place
- Kind of a jerk?
- Arthroscopy site
- Patched pants part
- Leg joint
- Toddler's boo-boo spot, often
- Lowdown joint?
- What a laugher may slap
- ___-slapper
- Spot for a dummy
- Joint for jerks?
- Man's largest joint
- Kid's "seat" on Santa
- Patch place
- Where breeches end
- Joint where kids sit
- Trick ___
- Place for Sonny Boy
- Location of many a football injury
- Banjo's spot, in song
- Martial arts weapon
- Patch place, often
- Where femur meets tibia
- Reflex testing site
- Word after Wounded or trick
- Place for a dummy
- Banjo's place, in a song
- Patella location
- Oft-injured joint
- Location of a cricket's ear
- Nudge with a joint
- ___-high to a grasshopper
- Spot for dummies and jerks
- Spoon playing site
- Word before sock or jerk
- Joint for dummies and jerks
- Jerky joint
- Site of many a football injury
- Place for jerks and dummies
- Patella's spot
- ___-high to a duck
- Joint used in steadying a cello
- Joint used to jump
- Joint that may be replaced
- Arthroscopy target, often
- Hit with a low blow
- Spot for a pad
- Patch's place, perhaps
- You might slap yours while enjoying a riot
- Hit, in a way
- Reflex test site
- Toddler's perch
- Genuflection joint
- A tot may bounce on one
- Last word in "Oh! Susanna"
- It's just below the thigh
- ___-slapper (funny joke)
- Genuflected joint
- Hit below the belt, maybe
- Hopping joint?
- Pant leg part
- Arm : elbow :: leg : ___
- Jujitsu weapon
- Wounded ___ (South Dakota massacre site)
- Bent joint for a proposer
- Oft-scraped joint
- One of all fours?
- Child seat?
- See 65-Down
- Guitar support
- Cello stabilizer
- End of a lap
- A midi covers it
- Ace bandage site
- Low joint
- It's found under a hip joint
- Support for a proposal?
- One may have water on it
- Something to propose on
- Mini revelation
- Knobby thing
- Target of a doctor's hammer
- Shin neighbor
- Place for a cap
- ''Trick'' joint
- __-jerk reaction
- Bouncing spot
- Place for a patch
- Where a sock may reach
- Pants-leg part
- __ pants
- Baby seat of a sort
- Pants part with a patch, perhaps
- Oft-skinned area
- Spot for a cap
- Arthroscopic surgery site
- Pad site, perhaps
- Spanking locale
- Elbow counterpart
- Oft-skinned joint
- ''... with a banjo on my ___''
- Mini revelation?
- Word with ''Wounded'' or ''trick''
- Proposer's prop?
- It might be skinned in the fall
- Word with skinned or bended
- Deliver a low blow, in a way
- Your largest joint
- Place to get a spanking
- Oft-scraped site
- Patella's location
- Spanking spot
- Dandler's perch, perhaps
- Dandling locale
- Place for a banjo?
- Target for a little hammer
- It bends in a plea or plie
- "Your ___ bone's connected to your thigh . . ."
- Word with "jerk" or "slapper"
- It might be tested with a hammer
- Bottom of the strike zone
- Wounded ___, South Dakota
- Cruciate ligament's spot
- Trick joint
- Where the femur and tibia meet
- Where dummies sit
- Word with "high" or "jerk"
- Low joint?
- Kilt's stopping point
- Tot's spot, sometimes
- It's easy to skin
- Where a dummy sits
- It can be replaced
- It's between the femur and tibia
- Often replaced joint
- Pant part
- Spoon-playing locale
- Patch location
- Patch site, perhaps
- This joint may be jumping?
- Child seat, sometimes
- Cap spot
- Dummy's seat
- ". . . with a banjo on my ___"
- Frequently injured joint
- Joint bent in a curtsy
- Hinged joint
- Joint for dummies
- Athlete's trouble spot
- Human equivalent of a horse's stifle
- Word with deep or hole
- Proposal prop
- Joint between the thigh and shin
- Many a proposal is made on one
- Banjo site?
- Bouncing joint?
- Joint for a beggar?
- Where the femur meets the tibia
- Kid's scrape site
- What might give a physical reaction?
- Place for a pants patch
- Common scrape site for a kid
- Joint for guitarists?
- Proposer's support
- Curve of a cabriole leg
- Joint for jerks
- You can get down on one
- ___-slapper (good joke)
- Proposal joint
- Strike-zone boundary
- "Bury My Heart At Wounded ___"
- Midleg spot
- "Your ___ bone's connected to your thigh ..."
- Word with "Wounded" or "trick"
- Strike zone boundary
- Kind of pad or pants
- Wounded or bended follower
- Word with sock or jerk
- ___-jerk reaction
- ___ pants
- Spot for a patch
- Word preceding bend or jerk
- Often-replaced part
- A mini shows it
- Hamstring setting
- It's capped
- Pad spot
- It's south of a hip joint
- Leg part
- Joint used in hacky sack
- Cap setting
- Patched pant part
- Place for padding
- Meniscus spot
- Dandling site
- Patch place, perhaps
- ACL joint
- Banjo's place
- South Dakota's Wounded ___
- Trouser part
- Stocking part
- It's capped and may be slapped
- Word before deep or high
- Leg bend
- Dandling spot
- Pad's place
- Patella setting
- Last word of 'Oh! Susanna'
- Proposer's perch
- Wounded ___
- Place for a pad, maybe
- Patch locale, often
- Joint
- Patella
- Footballer's sore spot
- Football injury site
- Foot-baller's sore spot
- Bender?
- ___ -jerk reaction
- ACL's location
- Banjo stabilizer
- Jumpsuit part
- Leg bender
- Ultimate fighting weapon
- Mixed martial arts weapon
- Skateboarder's padded joint
- "... ___ bone's connected to the thigh ..."
- Lap edge
- Femoral groove location
- Pants patch place
- Low bender
- Soccer ball juggler
- Measurement point for sock height or skirt length
- Baby-dandling locale
- Athlete's injury spot
- Certain joints
- Type of pad
- Often-injured joint
- Joint sometimes replaced
- Place to rest a guitar
- Ventriloquist dummy's perch
- It may be slapped while you enjoy a riot
- ___-jerk response
- Nudge, perhaps
- Bender one might go on before getting engaged?
- Cruciate ligament locale
- Place for a skateboarder's pad
- Attack at close range, maybe
- Hit with a bent leg
- Midpoint between a midi and a mini
- Elbow kin
- Tot seat
- Place for unthinking jerks
- Joint used in a plie
- Deep or high lead-in
- Reflex-test target
- Limb bender
- Place for a jerk?
- Banjo support of song
- Baby perch
- See 16-Across
- Clothing patch site
- Genuflecting joint
- "Oh! Susanna" joint
- Tibia top
- Martial-arts weapon
- Lower end of the strike zone
- Place for a brace
- '... with a banjo on my ___'
- Often-torn trouser part
- Football players can take one
- Prop for a ventriloquist's dummy
- It's capped and slapped
- It's between the femur and fibula
- It may provide child support?
- Oft-bent joint
- Cap or pad starter
- The "genu" in "genuflect"
- Femur-tibia connection
- A knight takes one when being dubbed
- One might be brought up in a brawl
- Something a mini leaves exposed
- ___ socks
- Banjo spot
- Word before pants or socks
- Seat for a dummy
- Proposals are sometimes made on one
- Meniscus site
- It may be slapped after a joke
- Ventriloquist dummy's support
- It's frequently skinned in a fall
- Joint where kids are welcome?
- Arthroscopy target
- Reflex-testing site
- Joint above the shin
- Reflex-checking spot
- Joint for 45-Across
- Leg's middle joint
- Bendable joint
- Bouncer's joint?
- Something to make a proposal on?
- Baby seat, sometimes
- Dandling place
- Femur-tibia connector
- Type of jerk
- Tot perch
- Meniscus setting
- Deep-___ bend
- Banjo's place in "Oh! Susanna"
- Skort revelation
- Leg hinge
- Hamstring's location
- Anterior cruciate ligament joint
- Spot for a bouncing baby boy
- Femur and tibia connector
- Important joint
- Leg punch
- Banjo perch?
- Elbow's counterpart
- Certain joint
- Dummy's place
- Dummy's support
- Just above where 35-Across end
- Cypress feature
- With 36-Down, bit of clothes mending
- Slapper starter
- Bending body part
- Santa's seat?
- Bermuda shorts endpoint
- Housemaid's ___ (bursitis)
- Source of child support?
- Often-skinned spot
- Joint for a dummy
- ___-length
- Leg midpoint
- One of the eight points of contact in Muay Thai
- Point of genuflection
- Rubber tomahawk's target
- Replaceable joint
- Reflex-testing joint
- Spot hit by a reflex hammer
- Sitting spot for a child visiting Santa
- It supports proposals
- Vulnerable joint
- Place for the banjo in "Oh! Susanna"
- It's capped and often slapped
- Joint commonly replaced
- Where a cap is kept
- ACL's joint
- What the sciatic nerve runs behind
- Attack in an underhanded way
- Deep ___ bend (exercise)
- Joint for jumping
- Deep-bend link
- Anatomical bender
- See 25-Down
- Where a lap ends
- Joint for a jerky reaction?
- Tricky joint?
- Frequently patched place
- Walk-in joint?
- Place to test reflexes
- Bendable leg part
- ACL injury site
- Site of arthroscopic surgery
- Body part with the ACL
- Reflex test target
- 56 Across' perch
- Trick joint?
- All fours member
- Your patella is there
- Kind of cap or jerk
- Bendy joint
- Joint above the ankle
- Common patch locale
- It's bent during a knighting
- Cap joint
- Something taken on a field?
- Kind of brace or bend
- Baby bouncer, at times
- Bendable body part
- Pants part that might be patched
- Site for an A.C.L. tear
- Take a ___ (protest, in a way)
- Reflex hammer target
- Spot for a tot
- It may be "bended" during a 38 Across
- All fours part
- Site of the patella
- Bodily joint
- Place to bounce a baby
- Place to play musical spoons
- Joint used for jumping
- Place for a jeans patch
- Perch for a bouncing baby
- ___-slapper: funny joke
- Part of the body to slap
- Joint between the hip and ankle
- ___ patch jogger (type of trousers)
- Proposal support?
- Patella's joint
- Joint on a prayer rug
- Double-jointed thing
- Something to take in protest
- Joint above a shin
- Skinned body part
- Spot for a banjo
- Proposer's joint
- ___-slapper (riot)
- Anatomical cap's spot
- Banjo perch
- Horse's foreleg
- With 30 Down, lengthy hosiery
- Joint between the ankle and hip
- Hamstring locale
- ACL site
- One might be taken in protest
- Body part where the patella is found
- Largest human joint
- ___-high
- Place for a pants leg patch
- Provider of child support?
- ___-high socks
- Deep-___ bends
- Body part with menisci
- One may be replaced
- It's used for kicks
- It bends when you sit
- Joint used for squatting
- Place to play spoons
- Leg joint above the shin
- Pants part that might need patching
- Joint to bounce a baby on
- One has a front-facing cap
- Joint used in leg curls
- It's a real bender
- What a long sock might reach
- Take a ___
- An athlete may take one in protest
- Joint used in reverse lunges
- Place for a volleyball pad
- It's bent in a squat
- To take this, paradoxically, might signify taking a stand
- Muay Thai fighter's weapon
- Part of jeans that might be ripped
- ___-deep: very involved
- Joint used in wall squats
- You may get down on one
- Joint stretched in half lotus
- Joint in a reflex test
- Part of the body mentioned in "Oh! Susanna"
- Joint that a sock may cover
- Dad-to-tot talk support
- It may be taken in protest
- Body part with a silent first letter
- Where bursitis may appear
- Commonly replaced joint
- Body part with a patella
- Joint that might be banged on a coffee table
- Joint used in kickboxing
- Something taken in protest
- Hacky Sacker's option
- Leg joint that's padded to prevent scrapes
- Joint with a silent first letter
- One may be taken in protest
- Banjo spot, in song
- Jeans patch site
- Jerky spot?
- Flying ___ (martial arts strike)
- Body part that can't touch the sheet in Twister
- Bend it, like Beckham?
- Word with jerk or joint
- Where a doctor might check for a monosynaptic reflex
- ___-high boots
- ACL location
- The "genu-" in "genuflect"
- It's bent while genuflecting
- Joint bent during wall sits
- Part of pants that may be well worn
- Mini display?
- Leg joint bent in a plie squat
- Joint used to propose or protest
- Joint bent during a lunge
- Body part that might look like a baby face
- Reflex hammer's target
- Cap's place
- A proposal might be done on one
- ___ sock
- Where a pencil skirt typically ends
- Plié joint
- "Seat" for a toddler
- Word before "cap" or "jerk"
- Guitar's resting place, often
- What's taken by a quarterback during "victory formation"
- Joint bent during a turkey trot
- Joint protected by a patella
- Base for a proposal?
- Jeans spot that might wear out first
Last Seen In:
- USA Today - February 25, 2025
- LA Times - February 17, 2025
- LA Times - February 13, 2025
- New York Times - January 30, 2025
- LA Times - December 23, 2024
- USA Today - December 20, 2024
- USA Today - December 16, 2024
- USA Today - November 28, 2024
- New York Times - November 26, 2024
- New York Times - November 24, 2024
- USA Today - November 11, 2024
- New York Times - October 19, 2024
- LA Times - October 13, 2024
- LA Times - September 28, 2024
- USA Today - July 22, 2024
- New York Times - July 21, 2024
- LA Times - July 07, 2024
- USA Today - May 22, 2024
- USA Today - May 20, 2024
- New York Times - April 30, 2024
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