Answer: EMU
EMU is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 583 times.
Referring Clues:
- Zoo bird
- Aussie bird
- Grounded bird
- Big bird
- Swift bird
- Bird that lays dark green eggs
- Australian runner
- Feather source
- Six-foot Australian
- Six-foot runner?
- Crosswordy ratite
- Feathered six-footer
- Ostrich kin
- It's out in the Outback
- Cassowary's cousin
- Outback denizen
- Somewhat exotic meat
- Easily tamed bird
- Relative of a rhea
- Ostrich's kin
- Down Under bird
- It'll never get off the ground
- Tall runner
- Trendy meat
- Tall bird
- Outback runner
- Poultry that tastes like beef
- Easily domesticated bird
- Australian bird
- It's grounded
- Ostrich's cousin
- Relative of an ostrich
- National bird of Australia
- Source of lean red meat
- Meat that tastes like chicken
- It'll never fly
- Six-foot runner
- Aussie runner
- Low-fat meat
- This may never get off the ground
- Earthbound bird
- Swift avian
- It doesn't fly
- Grounded Aussie
- Flightless Australian bird
- Cousin of an ostrich
- Swift bird on foot
- It runs Down Under
- Lean meat source
- Avian source of red meat
- Grounded avian
- Lean meat
- Cousin of a cassowary
- Image on Australia's coat of arms
- Avian meat
- Bird more than five feet tall
- Creature on Australia's coat of arms
- Ypsilanti sch.
- Swift-running bird
- Noted Australian sprinter
- Big bird of the outback
- Tridactyl bird
- Australian ranch pest
- Rhea relative
- Outback bird
- Part of the Australian coat of arms
- It's classified by the U.S.D.A. as red meat under cooking guidelines and as poultry under inspection standards
- Down under denizen
- Rhea's cousin
- Avian runner down under
- Cassowary cousin
- Aussie avian
- Ostrich cousin
- Down-under runner
- Bird from Down Under
- Big bird down under
- Flightless bird
- Bird on a certain ranch
- Grounded critter
- Ostrichlike bird
- Second-largest bird alive
- Aussie with six toes
- Tasmanian bird
- Flightless ranch bird
- Kiwi's cousin
- "Down under" fowl
- Cassowary kin
- Large Aussie runner
- Outback egg layer
- Turkey alternative, in some cuisine
- Flightless fowl of the outback
- Ostrich relative
- Denizen of 28-Across
- Australian flightless bird
- Kiwi kin
- Layer of green eggs
- One appears on the Australian Coat of Arms
- Big bird of Brisbane
- Runner down under
- Bird of the outback
- Feathered Australian
- Aussie coin critter
- Australian coat of arms bird
- Bird that's fleet of foot
- Low-fat meat choice
- Bird that doesn't fly
- Low-fat meat source
- Bird Down Under
- Outback sprinter
- Australia's unofficial national bird
- Brevipennate bird
- South Australia's ___ Bay
- Six-footer from Australia
- It came up from Down Under
- "Move Like an ___" (song by the Australian kids' group the Wiggles)
- Australian bird with rudimentary wings
- Bird mentioned in "If I Had $1000000"
- Kangaroo Island creature, once
- Bird that's good at swimming
- With 50-Across, trendy skin care product
- Outback fauna
- Aussie ratite
- Outback steakhouse meat?
- Producer of extra-large eggs
- Source of green eggs and ham alternative
- Creature that never leaves the land of Oz?
- Down Under bird that can't fly up over anything
- Leather source
- Bird on the Australian coat of arms
- Fast food source?
- Bird on a New South Wales 100th anniversary stamp
- Rhea's relative
- Creature on an Australian 50-cent coin
- Relative of the cassowary
- Cassowary relative
- Big bird that can't fly
- Kiwi's relative
- Fast Australian runner
- Source of low-fat meat
- Flightless big bird
- Bird on some Australian coins
- Six-foot Australian bird
- Unlikely mascot for 8-Across?
- Big bird from Down Under
- It runs but can't fly
- Flightless Down Under bird
- Avian Australian
- Critter on the Australian coat of arms
- Source of skin-softening oil
- Bird sharing a national coat of arms with a kangaroo
- Swift-running Aussie bird
- 35 miles-per-hour runner
- Herd bird
- Flightless Aussie bird
- It appears on the Australian Coat of Arms
- Down under 44-Down
- Six-foot Australian runner
- Australian coat-of-arms feature
- Avian source of leather
- Second-largest bird
- Six-foot-tall trotter
- Long-legged bird
- Oil source
- Swift six-footer
- Big Australian bird
- Large Australian bird
- Rhea cousin
- Ratite bird
- Animal on an Australian 50-cent coin
- Australian cousin of the ostrich
- Runner from Down Under
- Ratite from down under
- Three-toed ratite
- Running bird
- Second-largest living bird
- Herded bird
- Bird raised for its red meat
- Australian ratite
- Three-toed Australian
- Outback creature
- Flightless fowl
- Figure on an Australian stamp
- U.S. ranch bird, nowadays
- Bird that's swift on foot
- Exotic farm bird
- Grounded Australian denizen
- Aussie trotter
- Aussie coat of arms bird
- Down-under bird
- Rhea's kin
- It takes off but can't fly
- Aussie bird that can't fly
- The ostrich's Aussie cousin
- Large ratite
- Outback roamer
- Ostrich's Aussie cousin
- The second-largest living bird
- Ranch-raised ratite
- It has three toes
- Exotic farmbird
- Exotic farm-bird
- Avian that's swift afoot
- Bird that's never on the wing
- Ostrich-like bird
- It lays eggs out back?
- Australian coat-of-arms bird
- Tall, flightless bird
- Australian with three toes
- Aussie avian creature
- Source of lean meat
- Second largest bird
- Australian egg-layer
- Australian coin depiction
- It has a green egg, but no ham
- Winged walker
- Australian avian animal
- Source of exotic meat
- Flightless Australian
- Australian six-footer
- Large Aussie bird
- Large avian
- Australian avian
- Green-egg hatchling
- Two-legged meat source
- Bird with two sets of eyelids
- Green-egg layer
- Australian grazer
- Ground-bound bird
- Bird in the bush
- Certain ratite
- It's grounded Down Under
- Bird of Australia
- Bird with meat high in protein
- Flightless bird from Down Under
- Big bird in Australia
- Large Australian trotter
- Aussie ostrich, so to speak
- Large flightless bird
- Aussie farm bird
- Bird in New South Wales
- Outback critter
- Flightless bird common in Australia
- Critter on Australia's coat of arms
- Down Under ratite
- Ratite runner
- Feathered runner
- Nonflyer of Australia
- Hatchling from a dark green egg
- Animal on Australia's coat of arms
- Bird in the bush?
- Aussie coat-of-arms symbol
- Big flightless bird
- Kicking bird
- Prey of wild dogs and crocodiles
- Large, flightless bird
- Creature on Australia's 50-cent coin
- Aussie non-flier
- It runs fast but can't fly
- Flightless bird Down Under
- Beast on some Canberra coins
- Big bird that can't take wing
- Bird on an Aussie coin
- Six-foot bird
- Fast-running bird
- It never flew
- Ostrich lookalike
- Outback big bird
- Late start?
- Aussie non-flyer
- Outback sight
- Layer of dark green eggs
- Bird with shaggy plumage
- Brown-feathered bird
- Five-foot-tall bird
- The ___ War (1932 Australian military/wildlife control effort)
- Down Under runner
- Non-flyer of Australia
- Ratite
- Aussie ostrich
- Bird on Australia's coat of arms
- Australian sprinter
- Speedy animal of Australia
- Bird whose name is a Midwest school's initials
- Flightless one
- It has six toes
- Outback dweller
- Aussie avian
- Denizen down under
- Big ratite
- Big bird with red eyes
- Source of extra lean meat
- Bird with a powerful kick
- Noted six-foot runner
- It flaps its wings but can't fly
- Large Australian fowl
- Ratite bird of crosswords
- Earth-bound bird
- Nonflying bird
- Cassowary's kin
- Ostrich's relative
- 2 Ostrich's kin
- Down Under avian
- Aussie coat of arms beast
- Cassowary look-alike
- Bird that lays green eggs
- Cassowary twin
- Kiwi relative
- Very big bird
- Kiwi's kin
- Outback ratite
- Ostrich look-alike
- Bird related to the cassowary
- Bird that cannot fly
- Six-toed Aussie
- Six-toed aussie
- Big Aussie bird
- Down Under fowl
- Grounded Aussie bird
- Prey for a dingo
- Kicking kiwi kin
- Aussie with a good kick
- Aussie coat-of-arms bird
- Hatcher from a hefty egg
- Australia's national bird
- Six-foot six-toed Aussie
- Aussie big bird
- Rhea relative in the outback
- Second-biggest bird after the ostrich
- Part of Australia's coat of arms
- Avian runner
- Hatchling from a green egg
- Australian big bird
- Bird slightly smaller than an ostrich
- Landbound bird
- Leggy runner
- Tall Australian bird
- Australian denizen
- Bird on Australian coins
- Source of extra-large eggs
- Earthbound Aussie bird
- Native of Australia
- Aboriginal food source
- Strong-legged bird
- Five-to-six-foot Aussie
- Melbourne meat
- Source of 13-Down eggs
- Tall flightless bird
- Flightless ratite
- Ostrich's kin down under
- Another big ratite bird
- Ratite sprinter
- Dingo prey
- Earthbound avian
- Bird that takes off, but only on foot
- Fast, tall flightless bird
- A runner, not a flier
- Down under down sporter
- Down Under critter
- Avian Aussie
- Australia's "ostrich"
- Big, three-toed bird
- Outback native
- Tall runner Down Under
- Dingo's avian prey
- Bird in the bush, really
- Flightless "down under" bird
- Tall Australian runner
- Bird similar to an ostrich
- Big bird whose chicks are nurtured by the male
- Bird on the ground only
- Beast on Canberra coins
- One of the ratites
- Very large bird
- Big, flightless bird
- ___ Bay, Tasmania
- Flightless zoo bird
- Shield supporter on Australia's coat of arms
- Australian critter
- Dingo dodger
- Non-flier of Australia
- Bird in a herd
- Feathered, swift strider
- Blue (muscle cream brand)
- Chicken alternative, to some
- Feathered bigfoot
- Avian sprinter
- Long-necked bird
- Bird with a booming call
- ___ oil (Australian folk medicine)
- Certain flightless bird
- Red meat source
- Aussie six-footer
- Bird with calf muscles
- Major egg producer
- Creature on the Australian coat of arms
- Six-toed bird
- Chick hatched by its father
- Second-biggest bird
- Cousin of the ostrich
- Grounded Australian
- Source of jumbo eggs
- Bird that will swim but not fly
- Big bird of Australia
- Source of green eggs
- Bird that can run up to 30 m.p.h.
- Ypsilanti sch. whose initials name a bird
- It's got down down under
- Grounded Aussie avian
- Outback avian
- Sizable bird
- Bird that can't take flight
- One of the 10-Down birds in the world
- Bird with large green eggs
- Swift Aussie bird
- Bird with six toes
- Fleet-footed Australian
- Australian outback runner
- Fleet-footed avian
- This does not fly
- Rhea's Aussie relative
- Tall bird that lays green eggs
- Outback animal
- Bird with a potent kick
- Bird whose wings are used as stabilizers, not for flying
- Six-foot-tall bird
- Critter on the Australian 50-cent coin
- Big bird that doesn't fly
- Symbol of Australia
- Aussie source of lean red meat
- Bird that can reach 6 feet in height
- Exotic jerky meat
- Producer of a deep drumming call
- Aussie bird with a powerful kick
- Tall bird similar to an ostrich
- Kiwi cousin
- Two-legged source of red meat
- Tall Aussie bird
- Hard-kicking big bird
- Fleet-footed bird of the outback
- Layer of extra-large eggs
- It hatches from a big egg
- World's second-tallest bird
- Bird raised on a ranch, perhaps
- Bird of the 58-Across
- Large egg producer
- ___ oil, ingredient in some health care products
- Fowl down under
- Bird that has one long talon on each foot for fighting
- Bird on Australia's half dollar
- Member of a crossword zoo?
- Bird in the outback
- Huge bird
- Nandu's look-alike
- Fast fowl
- Fowl of Australia
- Avian source of therapeutic oil
- Fleet-footed flightless bird
- Low-fat Aussie meat
- Layer of very large eggs
- Earth-bird only?
- Bird whose name is also the initials of a school in Ypsilanti
- Huge fowl
- Runner with wings
- Speedy Australian
- Bird that can hardly get off the ground
- Avian symbol of Australia
- Fast bird
- Australian meat source
- Aussie chicken alternative
- Australian fowl
- Non-flying avian
- Dingo's prey
- Member of a crossword aviary?
- Second-tallest living bird
- 70-pound bird
- Large feathered runner
- Ostrich kin from Down Under
- Bird that gallops
- Ostrich's Australian cousin
- Long-legged runner
- Land-bound bird
- Fast feathered runner
- ___ omelet (meal for the very hungry)
- Tall trotter
- Layer of one-pound eggs
- Bird that uses its wings to cool itself
- Fleet-footed bird
- Second-tallest bird
- Bird that can't fly
- Bird in 2019 Liberty Mutual commercials
- Bird in some Australian place names
- LiMu ___: bird in Liberty Mutual TV ads
- Popular bird in crosswords
- Feathery fast runner
- Layer of green eggs (no ham)
- Bird growing up Down Under
- Source of pound-and-a-half eggs
- Bird related to a cassowary
- Chick incubated by its father
- Bird with green eggs
- Blue-___: pain relief brand
- Bird in Liberty Mutual ads
- Goose : gaggle :: ___ : mob
- Bird that's a primate minus its first and last letters
- Bird that symbolizes Australia
- Bird incubated by its father
- Bird that runs fast
- It becomes another animal when surrounded by "l" and "r"
- Bird with low-fat meat
- Bird in Liberty Mutual commercials
- Fast runner Down Under
- Sch. in Ypsilanti
- Earthbound Australian bird
- Fast flightless bird
- Bird able to run faster than the fastest human
- Bird with muscular legs
- Large bird that can't fly
- Only bird with calf muscles
- Down Under bird that never flies over
- One of the tallest birds
- Bird hidden in the name of a bone in the leg
- Liberty Mutual commercial mascot
- Nomadic Outback bird
- Largest bird native to Australia
- Bird that's a fast runner
- Creature in Liberty Mutual ads
- Depiction on the Australian coat of arms
- Bird whose males incubate the eggs
- LiMu ___: ad bird
- Bird that can run 31 mph
- Creature that can fill the blank in L___R to make another creature
- Bird that's the source of Kalaya oil
- It can lay a one-and-a-half-pound egg
- Bird that can jump seven feet in the air
- Large bird with a pale blue neck
- Large bird with green eggs
- Creature whose male incubates the eggs, during which it won't eat, drink or defecate for 50 days
- Second-tallest bird on earth
- Member of the ratite pack?
- Liberty's LiMu, for one
- ___ in the Sky (Indigenous Australian constellation)
- Outback speedster
- Bird that can sprint up to 30 m.p.h.
- Six-footer Down Under
- Big bird in Liberty Mutual ads
- Bird that won't fly away
- Only living creature in the genus Dromaius
- Flightless bird of Australia
- One of the biggest birds
- CGI bird in Liberty Mutual ads
- Outback bird that can go two months without food
- The Tasmanian one has been extinct since the 19th century
- Source of big green eggs
- Creature frequently depicted in Indigenous Australian art
- Bird that has calf muscles
- The only bird with calf muscles
- Layer of big eggs
- Australian animal
- Giant flightless bird
- Feathered creature in Liberty Mutual ads
- Bird with a bluish neck and green eggs
- Bird not quite as tall as an ostrich
- Bird similar to a cassowary
- Runner with vestigial wings
- Bird whose eggs can weigh 2 pounds
- 6-foot Aussie bird
- Bird with a long neck and tiny wings
- Animal opposite a kangaroo on Australia's coat of arms
- Bird in a eucalyptus forest
- Bird with vestigial wings
- Australian beer brand named for a bird
- Its egg resembles an avocado
- Bird that can run faster than Usain Bolt
- Australia's tallest bird
- Bird whose males incubate eggs and rear chicks
- Sch. in Ypsilanti whose mascot is an eagle, not another large bird
- Six-foot-tall Aussie sprinter
- Bird on an Australian coin
- Bird that can weigh more than a baby hippo
- Bird that's incapable of walking backward
- Petting zoo bird
- Large bird that lays green eggs, which are incubated by the male
- Foe in a 1932 Australian "war"
Last Seen In:
- LA Times - March 23, 2025
- New York Times - January 28, 2025
- New York Times - January 25, 2025
- New York Times - January 20, 2025
- LA Times - January 19, 2025
- New York Times - December 20, 2024
- LA Times - December 19, 2024
- LA Times - November 17, 2024
- LA Times - November 01, 2024
- New York Times - October 27, 2024
- LA Times - October 24, 2024
- USA Today - October 14, 2024
- New York Times - October 13, 2024
- New York Times - October 10, 2024
- USA Today - September 26, 2024
- New York Times - September 22, 2024
- New York Times - September 13, 2024
- USA Today - September 05, 2024
- New York Times - August 21, 2024
- USA Today - August 14, 2024
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